Most people reject radical gender ideology because it’s a lie

Despite years of propaganda from the left and the media, people increasingly reject radical gender ideology. According to a recent Pew Research Center poll, 65 percent of registered voters say gender is determined by “sex assigned at birth.” In 2017, this figure was only 53%. The rise in the belief that sex determines gender is a bipartisan trend and is reflected in other poll results. For example, only 43% of voters are comfortable using “neutral” pronouns such as “they/them.”

A different study from last year found that young people experienced the greatest change against gender ideology. In 2021, only 43% of Gen Z said there were only two genders. In 2023, this figure was 57%. Almost all groups, whether divided along political, religious, age, or racial lines, have strengthened their belief in biological reality. This raises the question of why modern theories of gender are so completely rejected.

The simplest answer is that they are not true: a man cannot become a woman, and no amount of surgery, hormones, pronouns, or social statements can change that fact. Although this has been questioned in recent years, a growing majority of people are standing up for the truth.

The public is becoming aware of the negative consequences of rejecting the gender binary. Male participation in women’s sports is perhaps the clearest example. When a man beats a woman in a race or a teenager gives a girl a concussion, the objective biological differences between the two sexes are so obvious that one would have to be willfully ignorant to ignore them.

Additionally, as the debate over gender transition treatments has shifted to children, many people have clearly recognized that it is child abuse. While men have been sentenced to women’s prisons, historical figures have been retroactively labeled transgender, movies and TV shows are forced to include LGBT themes, and teenagers are allowed into locker rooms girls, most people see the destructive nature of transgender. movement.


Even though trends are moving in the right direction, there is still much work to be done to restore some semblance of traditional understanding of gender. Even as a growing number of Democrats reject radical gender theories, they remain in the minority within their party. Furthermore, the extent of institutional power held by those who reject the gender binary remains concerning. For example, a third of public school teachers think children should learn that a person’s gender can be different from their biological sex.

It’s too early for conservatives to declare victory on gender and sex issues, but the positive trends undoubtedly offer a glimmer of hope.