Peterborough shoplifter Robert McColl given curfew

On May 30, Robert McColl, 31, was filmed on CCTV entering Tesco in Werrington, Peterborough, where he hid £142 worth of electronic devices in his jacket.

On his way out, McColl picked up a carton of milk and paid for it in cash at the till, but security alarms went off and staff were able to recover the stolen items.

Neighborhood officers attended Tesco in Serpentine Green, Hampton, on June 4 and arrested McColl after security reported they had arrested him when he was caught hiding a bottle of vodka worth £41 in his jacket.

McColl was charged with two counts of shop theft and appeared at Peterborough Magistrates’ Court on Wednesday June 5, where he was sentenced to six months in prison, suspended for two years and must complete treatment. nine month detoxification. (DRR).

He was also made subject to a daily curfew which requires him to be at his home in Lincoln Road, Werrington, between 8pm and 8am for 150 days.

PC Emma Smith, who investigated, said: “McColl’s behavior was brazen, paying for an item in a bid to avoid being caught with the items hidden in his jacket.

“I would like to encourage businesses to continue to report any incidents to us, no matter how small, to help us identify and arrest offenders.”