Max Verstappen and Kelly Piquet make emotional appeal against fake news

Max Verstappen and Kelly Piquet launched an appeal on Instagram on Tuesday evening against fake news. What prompted this message is unclear, although both give an idea of ​​what the trigger might be.

Picket on Instagram:

“A word from me and a gentle reminder to everyone… The online world can be a wonderful place for a variety of reasons, but very scary when misinformation and lies are spread.

“I’m not sure what the appropriate approach is to combating hatred arising from lies. I considered writing a response and leaving it as is.

“For more than 3 years, I have been navigating a very strange and upsetting wave of accusations, rumors, fabricated situations, false testimonies, retouched screenshots… and so on. While remaining silent and not playing on these ridiculous claims.

“The accusations made in recent months in particular have reached another level of defamation. Those who know me know that I would never put myself in such positions, say certain things or act in such a manner.

“I am far from perfect, but I am proud of my values, my morals and my manners. Let this be clear.

“As a human being, comments and hatred deeply affect me and the people around me. I hope this reminds people to check online content before making threats.

“I hope those of you who contributed to this will take a moment to think about the real-world consequences of spreading lies and hate.

“Remember, as James Clear says, “Every action we take is a vote for who we want to be.” Let’s choose the best humans for ourselves and others.

Max Verstappen responded to Kelly’s post with a strong statement:

“This has to stop. These false accusations from certain individuals on Instagram and TikTok are both insane and ridiculous. Hate has no place in this world. We know what is true within our family and we are very happy together. I love you.”