Fight against royalty: Ebonyi community protests and rejects monarch’s imposition

Indigenes of Nkomoro Autonomous Community in Ezza North Local Government Area of ​​Ebonyi State on Monday protested the forced imposition of Jacob Nwakpa as the elected monarch of the community.

The community, with one accord, defied the heavy downpours of Tuesday morning by demonstrating with signs with various inscriptions; “The Nkomoro community has never benefited from Jacob Nwakpa” “The traditional Nkomoro stool is not for sale, “Jacob Nwakpa is not our choice among others.

Speaking to journalists after the protest, the National President of the Nkomoro Youth Assembly, Mr. Peter Agbom, and the Acting President of the Municipal Union, Obiora Ezaka, said the acclaimed monarch-elect had not been elected by the people and would therefore not rule them as their traditional ruler.

According to them, “we appreciate and respect His Excellency Francis Nwifuru, the indefatigable Governor of Ebonyi State, for his political dexterity and maturity in calming political intrigues, tensions and quarrels during the local elections in the State.

“The amicable resolution and balancing of competing interests is a further testimony to the wisdom and fatherly disposition of the Governor.

“There is no doubt that Onwa Oferekpe has given Ebonies great hope for the future while bringing immediate dividends of good governance to last into that future. We applaud his efforts and pledge full commitment to his administration.

“That we reject in the strongest possible terms the efforts attempted and remotely manipulated to impose a traditional ruler on Nkomoro by external elements, orchestrated by the family of Nwakpa Ikpenyi.

“That at no place, time or forum on any inch of Nkomoro land has lawyer Jacob Nwakpa been appointed or elected as (Ezeogo) meaning king of Nkomoro community.

“It is strange and an affront to the integrity of the judiciary that Mr. Chikodili Nomeh is assuming the authority (under the guise of the Ebonyi State House of Assembly committee) to pass a resolution on a matter in proceeding in court without regard to an existing court order prohibiting the parties from maintaining the status quo.

“We restore our confidence in the ongoing judicial process, while vehemently rejecting and resisting any further attempt to impose a traditional ruler on the good people of Nkomoro without a free and transparent election guided by a participatory process.

“Therefore, we call on all men of good will to join us in partnership to enthrone and maintain peace in the Nkomoro community.

However, some of the aspirants, Joseph Ogayi, a retired policeman, and Prophet Igwe Cletus who spoke, explained that all the candidates are from Oriuzor’s family and called on the state government to Ebonyi to visit the community and conduct free and fair elections in the interest of the state and the community.