Prolific Northumberland shoplifter who ignored court order jailed after stealing vodka, meat and coal

A prolific Northumberland thief who ignored a court order just days after escaping prison is now behind bars.

Adam Watson was wanted by officers last month for 10 shoplifting incidents over a two-week period from various Guide Post stores. The 25-year-old pleaded guilty to all charges at Northumberland South East Magistrates’ Court on May 22 and was sentenced to 20 weeks’ imprisonment, suspended for a year.

But the shoplifter waived his final warning and release when he was arrested again less than a fortnight later, on June 3, after committing three more thefts. Watson, of Broadway, Guide Post, stole three bottles of vodka from Asda on Lintonville Terrace in Ashington, meat from the Co-op store on North Seaton and bags of coal from the Jet garage in Stakeford.

He was found guilty of theft at the same court on Wednesday June 5 as well as breaching a restraining order, and sentenced to 34 weeks in prison.

Constable Philip Oliver, of Northumbria Police, said: “Watson was given a final chance to clarify his actions but clearly did not learn his lesson, and it is a good result which has seen a repeat offender jailed. He has shown no remorse for his actions and has shown no signs of attempting to change his behavior, and I’m glad he won’t be disrupting retailers again in the near future.

Constable Oliver added: “We recognize the impact of offenses of this nature on the community as a whole. We will continue to pursue offenders who believe they have the right to take what is not theirs and bring them to justice.

“We will also pursue those who knowingly receive and handle items stolen from retailers by these types of offenders. »

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