PTI, JUI-F reject Operation Azm-e-Istehkam – Pakistan

ISLAMABAD: In a rare show of unity, the Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI) and Jamiat Ulema-e-Islam-Fazal (JUI-F) on Sunday agreed to form a common front against the newly approved military operation – Azm- e-Istehkam – unless a closed-door briefing on the operation is given and Parliament is taken into confidence.

This was agreed during a meeting between JUI-F chief Maulana Fazlur Rehman and PTI senior leader Asad Qaiser as both parties insisted that Parliament be taken into confidence before launching the military offensive against the terrorist threat in the country.

After the meeting with the JUI-F leader, in an article on X, Qaiser said: “Our belief is that a military operation is not the solution to the problem. All political parties must play their due role in establishing peace in the province.

According to a statement issued by the PTI, the two leaders discussed the political situation in the country and expressed concern over the law and order situation across the country, especially in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa.

He added that the two men agreed that their parties would play the role of a “strong opposition” in the National Assembly.

The PTI statement also cited both parties rejecting the proposed federal budget for the next financial year, calling it an “IMF-dictated budget” and “anti-people”.

They also agreed to fulfill their role in maintaining fraternal relations with Afghanistan, expressing their wish for good and exemplary relations between neighbors.

The statement cited them as demanding the establishment of an economic corridor at the Afghanistan crossing, stressing that commercial activity would bring economic stability and employment opportunities to the region.

During the meeting, the PTI and JUI-F also decided to form a joint political committee to sort out the reservations and decide on the future course of action.

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