Date, history, meaning and theme

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Celebrated annually on June 12, World Day Against Child Labor is an important global event aimed at raising awareness and mobilizing efforts to end child labor in all its forms. This day highlights the plight of millions of children around the world who are forced to work, often in dangerous conditions, depriving them of their childhood, their education and their basic rights.

World Day Against Child Labor: History

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The International Labor Organization (ILO) launched the World Day Against Child Labor in 2002, as part of its ongoing efforts to eliminate child labor. The ILO, founded in 1919, has long been at the forefront of defending workers’ rights and addressing global labor issues. The creation of this day responds to the growing recognition that child labor constitutes a serious violation of human rights and a major obstacle to sustainable development.

Child labor is defined by the ILO as work that deprives children of their childhood, their potential and their dignity, and that harms their physical and mental development. This often involves long hours spent in unsafe environments, preventing children from attending school and obtaining an education. According to recent ILO estimates, around 160 million children are involved in child labor worldwide, including 79 million in hazardous work.

World Day Against Child Labor: importance

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The World Day Against Child Labor meets several essential objectives. First, it highlights the global prevalence of child labor, encouraging governments, civil society and international organizations to take concerted action. It also serves as a platform to discuss strategies to combat child labor, share best practices and build partnerships.

This day is an opportunity to advocate for stronger legal frameworks and enforcement mechanisms to protect children. It calls for better access to quality education and social services, as education is a key factor in the prevention and elimination of child labor. Furthermore, it highlights the importance of addressing the root causes of child labor, such as poverty, social inequality and lack of employment opportunities for adults.

Global efforts and achievements:

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Over the years, considerable efforts and achievements have been made in the fight against child labor. Various international conventions, such as the ILO Minimum Age Convention (No. 138) and the Worst Forms of Child Labor Convention (No. 182), have been adopted by many countries, setting standards legal requirements for the minimum age of employment and prohibiting the worst forms of child labor. forms of child labor.

Campaigns and initiatives by non-governmental organizations, governments and international bodies have led to a substantial reduction in child labor in some regions. For example, between 2000 and 2016, child labor decreased by 38% globally. However, the COVID-19 pandemic has posed new challenges, potentially reversing these gains and increasing children’s vulnerability to exploitation.

World Day Against Child Labor: Theme 2024

The theme of World Day Against Child Labor 2024 is: Let’s act on our commitments: end child labor! “This year’s World Day will focus on celebrating the 25th anniversary of the adoption of the Worst Forms of Child Labor Convention (1999, No. 182),” according to the United Nations.