How many years will Hunter Biden be imprisoned?

Hunter Biden was found guilty of the criminal charges Tuesday after a federal court in Delaware concluded the trial for illegal possession of a firearm. The son of US President Joe Biden faces a maximum sentence of 25 years in prison, with Judge Maryellen Noreika yet to deliver her sentence. Some reports indicate the sentence could also be less, as the 54-year-old has never been charged before and has no criminal history.

Hunter Biden was found guilty on all three counts on Tuesday.

Hunter Biden was found guilty of the criminal charges Tuesday after a federal court in Delaware concluded the trial for illegal possession of a firearm. The son of the American president Joe Biden could face a maximum sentence of 25 years in prison Judge Maryellen Noreika has not yet handed down its sentence. Some reports indicate the sentence could also be less, as the 54-year-old has never been charged before and has no criminal history. So the question remains: how many years will Hunter stay behind bars?

On the three counts related to illegal possession of firearms, the 12-member jury reached a decision and found the first son guilty of lying about drug use. Among them, two of the charges accused him of making false statements on the documents necessary to acquire the firearm, a Colt revolver.

The defense attorneys’ plea in federal court was a denial and further informed the judge and jury that Hunter was on the road to recovery. On the other hand, the prosecution was able to convince the court that the first son was illegally using or addicted to controlled substances such as crack cocaine. American law prohibits drug addicts from owning weapons.