Embu businesswoman jailed for illegal alcohol production

Jackline Mairora was sentenced to four years in prison by an Embu court for producing alcohol without a license and tax evasion. (Standard, File)

An Embu court has sentenced a woman to four years in prison for producing alcohol without a license and tax evasion.

Jackline Gatwiri Mairora, owner of Jacky’s Wines and Spirits in Kiritiri Mall, allegedly employed casual workers to illegally produce alcohol at night in a rented house in Makuti village, Mbondoni sub-location.

The operation, which produced up to 30 cases of beer for distribution to Embu outlets, was uncovered following an intelligence operation. Mairora was arrested on June 16, 2022.

At the Siakago court, she faced three charges: possession of excise goods with counterfeit excise stamps, manufacturing of excise goods without a license and illegal possession of excise stamps, the latter involving tax loss of 300,000 shillings.

Six witnesses, former employees involved in different stages of the illicit operation, testified against Mairora, corroborating the prosecution’s case.

“The law does not contemplate granting permission to anyone to possess counterfeit excise stamps,” principal magistrate Stephen Ngii said in his ruling.

Ngii convicted Mairora on two counts, but dismissed the charge relating to illegal possession of excise stamps due to insufficient evidence.