Activists denounce massive crackdowns in Crimea against pro-Ukrainian supporters and Crimean Tatars

Since the occupation of Crimea in 2014, the number of political prisoners on the peninsula has reached 331, according to the Crimean Tatar Resource Center.

Activists say Russia is using its legislation for political purposes and carrying out massive crackdowns against Crimean Tatars and pro-Ukrainian supporters in Crimea. Detentions and arrests have become a regular practice.

“From the beginning of the occupation of Crimea, Russia launched an active campaign of repression against the inhabitants of the peninsula, including initiating numerous administrative and criminal proceedings against representatives of the indigenous Crimean Tatar people and pro-democracy activists. -Ukrainians. » they emphasize.

According to the Crimean Tatar Resource Center, people who can be classified as “political prisoners from Crimea, whose rights are restricted outside places of detention” are among those affected by the occupation of the peninsula. This category includes people subject to various restrictions, such as probation periods, suspended sentences, administrative controls or house arrest.

Human rights activists say these restrictions are intended to make life more difficult for political prisoners after their release. They struggle to find jobs, receive medical care and benefit from social benefits.

“Russia is using all the tools of its repressive machine to impose exemplary sanctions on people who have expressed pro-Ukrainian positions in Crimea. » » added the center.

Earlier, reports revealed that Russian authorities plan to install an anti-drone system worth almost $1 million in the Artek children’s camp, located on the southern coast of occupied Crimea .

Russia uses Crimean camp where children are taught to hate the West as a shield against Ukrainian strikes

Since Russia annexed Crimea in 2014, Moscow has transformed the famous and luxurious camp into a training base for underage members of the “Yunarmiya,” a militarized training for children funded by the Russian government. The occupying forces have also carried out 13 illegal conscription campaigns in Crimea since 2014.

Human rights defenders emphasize that the promotion of war and conscription into the occupying army constitutes a war crime under international humanitarian law.

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