Treatment options available if you struggle with alcohol or drug addiction

LEXINGTON, Ky. (ABC 36 NEWS NOW) — Gov. Andy Beshear released the state’s 2023 drug overdose death report last week, which shows a decline in drug overdose deaths in Kentucky.
The governor highlighted the progress made while lamenting the lives lost.
Beshear also points to the number of drug and alcohol treatment beds in the state.

“Kentucky leads the nation in residential drug and alcohol treatment beds per capita,” Beshear said in a June 6 Kentucky team update.

Earlier this year, administration members launched the Innovative Recovery Ready programs, in which various counties participate.

The governor adds that participating counties have helped approximately 750,000 Kentuckians.

“We have groups four days a week, people are in the building those four days for 12 hours for groups, throughout the week. We also offer individual therapy for those who need help, in cases of trauma, we also take trauma and mental health very seriously. We believe mental health and trauma go hand in hand with addiction and recovery,” says Hacky Kantar, business development manager at Roaring Brook Recovery Center.

Kantar, with the center where most people seek help for their alcohol addiction, despite the opioid epidemic.
He says many participate in polydrug use, meaning it could be a variety of drugs or alcohol and drugs.

“Here we are very focused on the 12 steps. We believe in abstinence. We offer medically assisted treatment, but we mainly focus on the 12 steps,” Kantar said.

Roaring Brook also offers sober living.
Kantar says not all patients will respond to treatment the same way.
He says those debating should first look at their options to see what type of treatment might be best for them, whether it’s inpatient treatment, outpatient treatment or sober living.

“Being in an inpatient care facility is a step up from us, and it gives you the first 30 days, whatever may be necessary to get sober and get you off drugs, and then be able to start re-entering society with this responsibility. This is really where our Sober Living hits,” he adds.

Kantar also cautions to make sure the institution you are studying is also accredited. According to him, one of the factors in this downward trend is education.
If you or anyone has questions about where to start, you can visit