KSP arrests a man from Versailles for child pornography

On June 6, 2024, at approximately 8:10 p.m., the Kentucky State Police Electronic Crimes Branch arrested Chad A. Swiger, 43, on charges related to child sexual abuse material.

Mr Swiger was arrested following an undercover investigation into internet crimes against children. The KSP’s electronic crime branch opened the investigation after discovering that the suspect was sharing images of child sexual exploitation online.

The investigation led to a search of a residence in Versailles on June 6, 2024. The material used to facilitate the crime was seized and taken to the KSP forensic laboratory for examination. The investigation is ongoing.

Swiger is currently charged with twenty counts of distribution of objects depicting a minor in a sexual spectacle under the age of 12 and ten counts of possession of objects depicting a minor in a sexual spectacle under the age of 12 years. These charges are class C misdemeanors punishable by five to 10 years in prison.

Swiger was booked into the Woodford County Detention Center.