Letters: PG&E late | The future of the country

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PG&E is lagging behind
in green innovation

Subject: “Electric vehicle batteries could help the electricity grid and win over drivers” (Page C7, June 8).

Saturday’s article in the Business and Technology section never referenced the fact that Vermont’s Green Mountain Power already offers programs to use customers’ batteries to store and supply energy.

The company, led by President Mari McClure, is far advanced in its approaches to electricity generation and delivery that do not encourage the use of new technologies, unlike our PG&E.

Marie Paquet
San Jose

The future of the country
it depends on Biden

“Character matters” should be the slogan of President Biden’s re-election campaign. No matter what one thinks of his policies, everyone can see that Joe Biden is a principled, honest and hard-working man. He’s the kind of man you can trust to keep his word.

On the other hand, his opponent is known for lying, cheating, intimidating and being downright mean. Worse yet, this man will take credit for anyone’s success while still refusing to accept responsibility for failure.

We must remember that character builds nations and reject this imposter who is defying our sitting president and re-electing Joe Biden. The future of the country depends on it.

Myokyaw Myint
San Jose

American voters must
reject authoritarianism

Subject: “Mexican elections are no reason to celebrate” (page A7, June 7).

Shortly after his election, Joe Biden declared: “We must prove that democracy works. » Kristina Foltz’s column argues that the current global struggle is between authoritarianism and democracy. What is at stake is individual freedom. This is not a competition between communism or socialism versus capitalism. It’s also not about conservatives versus liberals. There are communist and capitalist autocrats. She notes that Mexico’s newly elected president promises to continue his predecessor’s socialist agenda, but also embraces his authoritarian leanings.

Americans now have a choice between democracy and authoritarianism. Make no mistake, Donald Trump is the authoritarian candidate. He’s not really a conservative; he is an authoritarian. Authoritarian leaders start with a populist message that appeals to the masses, thereby generating polarization. But they ultimately lead to government control of individual freedoms. If we enjoy the freedom and prosperity that our democracy has given us, we must reject Trumpism.

Dave Riggs