Woodford County man arrested for allegedly sharing child sex abuse photos online

VERSAILLES, Ky. (ABC36 NEWS NOW) – The Kentucky State Police Electronic Crimes Branch arrested Chad A. Swiger, 43, on charges related to child sexual abuse material.

Swiger’s arrest, which occurred on June 6, 2024 at approximately 8:10 p.m., stemmed from an undercover investigation into Internet crimes against children conducted by the KSP’s Electronic Crimes Branch. The investigation was launched after the suspect was found sharing child sexual exploitation images online, according to KSP.

Following their investigation, the authorities executed a search warrant on the same day at a residence in Versailles. The material believed to have been used to commit the crime was seized and sent to the KSP forensic laboratory for further examination. The case is still ongoing.

Currently, Swiger faces twenty counts of distributing material depicting a minor in a sexual performance under the age of 12, as well as ten counts of possessing material depicting a minor in a sexual performance under the age of 12. These charges are class C felonies, punishable by five to 10 years in prison. Swiger was held at the Woodford County Detention Center.

Kentucky State Police are urging anyone with information related to this case or other incidents of child exploitation to contact them immediately.